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Function and technical requirements of wave soldering preheating system.

Each wave soldering machine must be preheated before the circuit board is wave soldered. After the preheating, the circuit board will not have batches of bad wave soldering problems during wave soldering. TYtech wave soldering here shares with you the role and technical requirements of the wave soldering preheating system.


Function of wave soldering preheating system
1. The solvent components in the flux will volatilize when passing through the preheater, thereby avoiding the phenomenon of the solvent components vaporizing at high temperature when passing through the liquid surface and causing explosion, and finally preventing the quality risk of tin beads.
2. The components of the products to be dipped in tin will slowly heat up when passing through the preheater, which can avoid the physical effect of sudden heat during wave soldering and cause component damage.
3. The preheated components or terminals will not significantly reduce the soldering temperature of the solder joints due to their own low temperature when passing through wave soldering, thereby ensuring that the welding reaches the temperature requirements within the specified time.

Technical requirements for wave soldering preheating system
1. Wide temperature adjustment range, generally required to be adjustable from room temperature to 250℃ to meet the activation temperature requirements of various types of flux.
2. There should be a certain preheating length to ensure that the circuit board is kept at the activation temperature for a sufficient time.
3. There should be no visible open flame to prevent the flux from dripping on the heating components and burning and catching fire, causing a fire.
4. Minimize the interference with the normal operation of the flux coating system and the thermal impact caused.
5. Impact resistance, vibration resistance, high reliability, and simple maintenance.


Post time: Aug-21-2024